Monday, March 19, 2012

Street Walkers....

Riddle me this...You are in public, you are in broad daylight (most of the time), you are sobor (most of the time), yet you insist on walking, talking, acting like a DB.

I am not saying, I am the most coherent, quiet, understated person in the city (by any means), but much like Ricky Ricardo so elegantly said; "Lucy, you've got some 'splainin to do!"

Why is this happening in New Jersey?
This is not a joke. This guy was seriously walking around downtown Jersey City- in Target Bags..He is a real life "DoucheBag"

I am not kidding here either...The Dominican Captain America- Or so he thinks he is.

1- I'm taking the whole "why is this happening in New Jersey comment back"
2- You needed to see this guy as a whole
3- He MacGyvered his backpack, he pegged his pants with rubberbands and he's wearing a helmet..He had no bike.

To the Left To The Left....

Last but not least- Women are not to be discriminated against...It was matching, completely...Down to the shoes and purse...She thought it was runway ready...

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