Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Places I go..The People I...Wait go back

I really wish I could sit here and say this is strictly about men, women, kids (sorry), shoes, clothes all things Douchie..But I can't. I think Douche of the Day all begins and ends with people...but People actually come up with these names, run these business's and continue to believe in their dreams...So Help Us...

This is a pre-school. A Pre-school where they teach our children..Now I'm not a moron, my child never attended this school for the challenged..but someones kid does, and well I do not seem them growing up to be President of the United States (not that I'd want that job anyways)

If you dont get this let me help..."BJ 99 Cents and Up" What is this the magic spa that is open from 10am to 2am and gives out $5 dollar suckie suckie? No this is a convienent store..uh huh.

I actually have nothing funny to say about this disaster.

This was last Winter..On the BQE- It was the dead of winter..3 Degrees outside..His top is down...Frozen Douche.

Last but not least...
Tough meeting, hop in a cab..This just lightens our day...Thank you New York for making us believe.

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