Thursday, March 15, 2012

No Rest For The Weary...

I admit...I've passed out on the train going home after a day of work and a evening of bar tabs...I also assume that someone, somewhere has a picture or two of me slobbering and leaning on some total stranger.

I also know that if I catch you sleeping I'm going to take a picture..Beware...They are not always pretty.

This poor guy didn't even realize what hit him. This took place a few months ago in Astoria, Queens. It was 2am and I was walking by Citibank, pretty buzzed I'd say. Low and behold, I look in the window and hes just there twitching and sleeping. Of course, I starting banging on the windows, he woke up in a complete daze and fell off his chair. I didn't have time to get that in picture form, since I was busy laughing and running.

Oh Vegas...Why must you do this to all of us.

Unbelievably real..

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