Thursday, March 15, 2012


When the temperature is above 60 degrees, when the barometer reads 70% humidity, when the blow dryer and curling iron do nothing to calm my fro...Mufasa takes form on the top of my head.

I readily admit when I have it going on...I actually talk about it frequently so people do not think its purposeful but merely an uncontrollable part of my life.

These people actually have a choice...They sit in the mirror and blow dry their hair every morning..They take a final look and say this is the best I'm going to be today..Then they walk out the door and I am standing there ready and willing to put them in the hall of fame.

I was in the salon watching her get this done..actually

Like a dragons back on her head....

It is wrong no matter how long....

Andrew Dice Clay called...He wants his face back.....

All bad...All day

I thought I said earlier...Mullets were so 27 seconds ago...

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