Thursday, March 15, 2012

I Believe The Children Are Our Future.....

It's probably really unfair for me to bring kids into this blog, but If I had a picture of their parents they would be on here instead.

1- If I was this child, I would run far, far, far away from the bowl and scissors.
2- No parent in their right mind, whom actually loved their child and didn't think of them as a "red headed step child" ,(no offense HK) would ever do this to their kin.
3- Can you imagine the ridicule they must endure on a daily basis?

Please mom and dad..Refrain from bowl hair cuts, and mullets...

I can say this because I used to be one of these children...

See my pic below...

Thank God for professional salons, orthodontists, and good genes...This is certainly me no more.

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