Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Somewhere Over The Rainbow...

Spring is in the air. The flowers are in full bloom. The colors are engaging and bright and what the f*** were you thinking?

Every Post on this blog begins with the same question...What the hell were you thinking.

This guy just went all out. He couldn't decide what color palette he was choosing from, so he took every single one. After deciding on sherbet ice cream he didn't have time to fix his hair so he threw on a baseball cap..Really? You spend all morning putting together that "David Bromstad" inspired ensemble and you can't do your hair?

Note to self: Red pants are not for the faint of heart.

These last two are not Halloween..
These are real people on real streets, walking around in their real lives..
PS: The little midget to the left of the first picture is actually an adult male. Play on players.